ENTREE | Profile | Amara Griffin
Amara Griffin

Amara Griffin


Full-stack Developer

Python Enthusiast

About me

Amara Griffin is a dedicated full-stack developer with expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. She has a passion for Python and enjoys building robust, scalable applications.





API Development

Cloud Computing

My Projects

E-commerce Platform with Django

E-commerce Platform with Django

A full-fledged e-commerce platform developed using Django for the backend and React for the front-end. The platform includes user authentication, product management, and a secure checkout process.

Real-time Weather Forecast App

Real-time Weather Forecast App

A weather forecast app built using Django and integrated with a public weather API to provide real-time data for cities worldwide.

Personal Blog Website

Personal Blog Website

A responsive blog website developed with Django and React, allowing users to publish, edit, and comment on blog posts.

Cloud-based File Storage System

Cloud-based File Storage System

A cloud-based file storage system that allows users to securely upload, store, and share files with others.

AI Chatbot for Customer Support

AI Chatbot for Customer Support

An AI chatbot built with Python and integrated into customer support systems to automate responses and improve user experience.